Less recognizable fast food brands like In-N-Out, Culver’s, and Whataburger leave consumers most satisfied with their experiences.
While many sectors of America’s economy have struggled with climbing inflation, it seems that one place some Americans have not cut back spending is on their favorite fast food burgers. Restaurant chains like Burger King and McDonald’s posted strong fourth quarter earnings amid inflation. To gain further insight into these consumer trends, Verasight recently conducted a market research study asking 3,260 Americans about their experiences with 13 brands of fast food burgers.

Though it may be tempting to frequent familiar burger mainstays like McDonald’s and Burger King, our research examining consumer sentiments, shown in the chart above, suggests that you’ll leave more satisfied if you choose to buy from a regional chain like In-N-Out or Culver’s. Even Prince Harry is known to frequent In-N-Out to grab a quick burger. These findings from Verasight’s most recent market research survey underline the importance of examining industries from various perspectives when making business decisions. Verasight generates brand snapshots like this for any industry.