Verasight’s multi-mode methodology and verified panel helped Catalist track the monthly opinions of Americans and oversample Black, Latino, and AAPI voters in a critical election year.
Catalist manages The Omnibus Project (TOP), a long-running poll that informs work for major unions, including AFL-CIO, AFSCME, NEA, SEIU, the Strategic Victory Fund, and other partners. These results inform Catalist models — leveraging oversamples of Black, Latino and AAPI voters — to more precisely estimate trends among smaller demographic groups. Catalist partnered with Verasight to provide the polling data for the 2022 Omnibus Project. GQR was also a partner on the project.
This was an exciting project for the Verasight team, as it allowed us to use a variety of skills and methodologies. Throughout the project, the Verasight team matched respondents to the voter file and collected oversamples of respondents from historically underrepresented groups. We provided Catalist with respondents both from our verified community and from probability samples collected via address based sampling.
We conducted 16,114 interviews across 10 waves conducted from February to December, 2022. These interviews included 2,611 African American, 2,563 Latino, and 1,755 Asian American and Pacific Islander respondents. Key findings from the polling informed Catalist’s What Happened analysis of the 2022 electorate, which received coverage in The Cook Political Report, NBC News, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.
Typical Verasight clients include academic researchers, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and media organizations. Reach out today to find out how Verasight can help you with project needs such as oversamples, voter file matching, and re-interviews.