Verasight is excited to offer students, nonprofits, and early career professionals the opportunity to add free questions to our next nationally representative omnibus survey. As a team of survey scientists, we understand the difficulty for these groups to raise funds for their research. At least 10 researchers (or teams of researchers) will be able to include 5 questions on this nationally representative survey. Researchers will also get all profile variables (e.g., demographics, partisanship, political ideology).
Verasight has offered free survey questions to attendees at conferences such as the American Political Science Association and the American Association of Public Opinion Research, but this is our first opportunity available to all students, nonprofits, and early career professionals. Notably, our previous omnibus contributors have used this valuable data resource to author impactful articles, deliver compelling presentations at conferences, and contribute to the growing body of knowledge across various fields.
Verasight was founded by academic researchers to expand access to high-quality and transparent survey research. Verasight recruits our verified panel using multi-mode recruitment, which incorporates address-based sampling and online targeting. Importantly, we recruit 100% of our respondents and do not outsource any data collection, which gives us the ability to maintain rigorous quality controls and verify each respondent. We are members of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative and archive all of our non-customer data at the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.
Our clients include academic researchers (e.g., Harvard Medical School, Duke University, Boston University, Columbia University), government agencies (e.g., California Air Resources Board, The Internal Revenue Service), and media organizations (e.g., Bloomberg, The Los Angeles Times).
Verasight Interdisciplinary Omnibus Survey Submission Guidelines
The Verasight Interdisciplinary Omnibus Survey will support students, nonprofits, and early-career researchers by granting them access to top-tier survey data. We are committed to empowering these individuals and entities, as they generate actionable insights, foster positive change, and conduct next-level survey research.
Students: This category includes undergraduates, master, and doctoral students enrolled at accredited educational institutions. Students who are collaborating with faculty can also submit the content.
Early Career Professionals: Open to individuals within the first three years of earning a degree.
Non-Profits: This category is available for registered non-profit organizations.
Winner Selection:
At least 10 participants will be randomly selected from all entrants.
Submission Deadlines:
All entries must be submitted by December 15, 2023.
How to Submit:
Participants should submit their information to the Verasight Interdisciplinary Omnibus Survey entry form. Only name, institution, contact information, and question topic are required at this time. After selected individuals are notified, they will have two weeks to submit their final survey questions.
Survey Fielding:
Finalized questions must be submitted by January 5, 2024. The survey will be conducted January 2024.
Question Types:
Be sure that your questions are closed-ended, have 7 response options or fewer, and are clearly labeled as single- or multi-select. Matrix or grid items count as separate questions. Due to the nature of this offering, open-ended questions are not permitted. Randomizations are restricted to randomizing the order of response options or randomizing the presentation order of your questions.
Data Delivery:
Survey contributors will be provided with raw data, survey weights, and a topline report with standard cross-tabulations (age, gender, education, income, political ID). Delivered data will also include Verasight's standard profile variables (such as demographics and partisanship). Final data will be provided in these formats: R (.rds), Stata (.dta), SPSS (.sav), and comma-delimited (.csv).
The final data will be weighted to match U.S. adult population benchmarks from Census Bureau data on age, race/ethnicity, sex, income, education, region, and metropolitan status, as well as to population benchmarks of partisanship and 2020 presidential vote.
Verasight is not able to complete any custom analysis for contributors. Verasight reserves the right to limit or deny questions or contributors.
Data will be archived at the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research after an embargo period.
For any other questions, please contact Benjamin Leff at ben@verasight.io .